Metz, day view - Photograph by Yann Monel




Through their minimalist design, the BHNS bus stops integrate seamlessly into Metz’s rich urban and architectural context. The product of a collaboration with the French Architectural Review Board (Architecte Bâtiments de France), this project aimed to create transparent bus stops throughout the French city. Great attention was given to detail, from the choice of materials to the lighting, to create living spaces rather than banal waiting areas.

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  • Metz Station, day view - Photograph by Yann Monel
  • Metz and bus - Photograph by Yann Monel
  • Metz, view night- Photograph by Yann Monel
  • Metz Station - Photograph by Yann Monel
  • Details Metz Station - Photograph by Yann Monel