Plan ZAC des Mascareignes, axonometry island


City of Port, Reunion

Restructuring the city entrance, ZAC des Mascareignes

Tips and Studies

The ZAC des Mascareignes is one of Port’s last urban areas to be extended. The aim was to lay foundations for developing a new area (1,200 houses, public services and infrastructure) over 80 ha.
We wanted to develop the urban spaces and axes that structure the city, within the context of the city, TCO and region’s traffic and public transport policies. The project also took into account the new housing area being built in the peri-urban area at the entrance to the city with huge commercial potential.

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  • ZAC des Mascareignes, axonometry island on route structuring
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  • Plan ZAC des Mascareignes, southern sector development
  • ZAC des Mascareignes, centralized hubs
  • Location Map, ZAC des Mascareignes, La Réunion